past meetings
At our last meeting Rev Crawford Logan gave us his talk, Why Does the Devil Has All the Best Tunes. This was an interesting, informative, and very amusing talk about the history of the Salvation Army. His personal history was interspersed with props and music from an accordion and was well received and very much appreciated. He also needed a model for some of his props, fortunately Heather was close at hand!
PLEASE click on the lower pictures for a full screen image!
Committee member Rev Peter Doodes, gave us a talk about the history St Oswalds Church Hooe. This covered the years from before the Norman Invasion of 1066 to only a few years ago, and those assembled were able to walk around the areas and see and touch the items mentioned. From the Saxon era to having a young man in the choir who later went on to join a pop group and have number one hit records! We are indeed fortunate to live in such a wonderful, historic and interesting area.
Jan Meek, in the images below, is an unlikely adventurer who can proudly claim to be the only woman on the planet to have rowed across an ocean and walked to two poles. There are more people who have walked on the Moon than have done that! Her talk made many of us feel somewhat inadequate. For more about her amazing exploits, just click >HERE<

At a recent meeting, a member of the Surrey, Sussex, and Kent Air Ambulance service gave us an Insite into their work and achievements over the past three decades, in which they have attended over 35,000 incidents, saving lives and improving patient outcomes from the skies above Kent, Surrey, and Sussex. A total of £61 was raised at the meeting for this more than worthy cause!
Please click on the thumbnails below for a full image.